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HWA are acknowledged as sector leaders in designing, creating and implementing integrated planning frameworks. With over 20 years of practical experience, HWA are able to capture and harness the vision and aspirations of your community and distil the outcomes of community engagement processes into a workable suite of relevant, practical and measurable planning instruments.


HWA understands that all local governments and their communities are different; big, small, remote, regional, metropolitan. We can design a community engagement model and strategic planning framework that matches the size of your community and the capacity of your local government.


One thing stays the same, however. Whether big or small, metropolitan or rural all of our plans are interconnected, easy to understand and create a clear line of sight between the aspirations of the community and the projects, programs and services that the local government delivers.


HWA also ensures that their Strategic Community Plans, Corporate Business Plans and Workforce Plans “talk to each other” and carry actions, projects and programs that are measurable and accountable to Council and the community through a range of bespoke strategic measurement and reporting tools.


Community engagement

Corporate business planning

Workforce planning

Strategy development

Progress reporting and measurement

Systems development

Councillor and staff training

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