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The complex nature of local government and the many diverse and challenging issues facing the sector often sees the need for the engagement of legal firms to provide advice, services or training.


HWA do not provide legal advice however their experience in reviewing the effectiveness of outsourced external legal services and establishing in-house counsel frameworks provides a unique and valuable service offering to all Western Australian Local Governments.


HWA can undertake a thorough value for money analysis of every aspect of legal services that your local government receives. Our reviews include assessing the thresholds or triggers when legal services are (or are not) engaged, the utility of instructions, the efficacy of advice and the accuracy and validity of charging regimes. 


Larger local governments may derive better value for money by engaging full-time in-house counsel to either supplement or replace external services. HWA can undertake a detailed cost benefit analysis of in-house counsel versus outsourced services and provide recommendations on the necessary policies, strategies and changes that are required to facilitate the best value legal services outcome.


Section Title

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Value for money analysis

Outsourcing vs in house legal analysis

Review of effectiveness of instructions and application of legal advice received 

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