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Good working relationships amongst key local government personnel are a critical factor in creating and maintaining high performing organisations. Organisations that are strategically focused, engaged with their community, committed to best value and capable of adapting to changing environments.


Relationships between the CEO and Mayor or Shire President, elected members, executive staff and other staff are all important and if allowed to break down, can create problems, sometimes catastrophic.


HWA delivers a range of services to Local Governments that focus upon strengthening these key relationships by setting and measuring goals, demarcating responsibilities, bolstering communications, harnessing strengths and atoning agreed shortcomings with training and development programs.


HWA can deliver a range of executive development and team building programs utilising universally recognised and academically supported systems and methods, all tailored to suit the needs of the team and the circumstances that prevail.


A comprehensive, objective and equitable CEO Performance Appraisal is a key element in facilitating and maintaining an effective relationship between the CEO and the Council. HWA   facilitates performance appraisals that are designed to stimulate honest, relevant and respectful discussion about last year’s activities, next year’s challenges and how best the CEO can deliver the expectations of the Council and the Community in alignment with the Strategic Community Plan and supporting documents. 


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CEO Performance Appraisals

Executive Team Development

Councillor / CEO relationship development

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